I enjoyed tour of museums near London. I spent a day and a half visiting the RAF Museum and the Brooklands Museum. I had a fulfilling experience, sitting in the cockpit of a Spitfire at the former, sitting in a Harrier and a Concorde at the latter, and driving an old-timer sports car on a bank.
The Air Force Museum is free to enter, and there are many hands-on exhibits that convey a strong desire to teach children about aviation (military?) technology, which was impressive. It was a very advanced exhibit that not only had flight simulators and information about the structure of aircraft, but also taught visitors about the integration of information about satellites and reconnaissance aircraft, which are essential in today’s world, and how to use that information in battle. Well, the old man’s interest was not in that, but in the actual aircraft on display, including the World War II planes. There were the Bf 109E and Spitfire from the Battle of Britain directly, the night-fighter Me 110, which looked like a bombardier beetle, Avro Vulcan, which was as big as a playground, Hawker Tempest, which had a huge mouth like an idiot, and an amazing number of aircraft that you could never see all of, no matter how much you looked.
I’ve taken a lot of photos, so please take a look at them in the gallery if you like.